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Frederick Fields Little Rock on The Future of the Schoo

Frederick Fields Little Rock on The Future of the School Administrator Post-2020
Being a school administrator in 2020 has dramatically changed the role, Frederick Field’s opinion, much of that being due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related social restrictions. Everything from standardized tests to the basic classroom has been turned upside down as a result of the public health limitations so many schools are facing now going into the end of the year. As a result, 2020 has probably been one of the most challenging of years for school administrators in a long time, maybe even the most challenging ever. Frederick Fields LIttle Rock has been an administrator for decades, but he’s never seen anything like what is happening now in schools.

Fundamentally, the administrator’s role is to keep schools running successfully, matriculating classes of children from one level to the next and ensuring they are meeting minimum standards of education. Through teachers, facilities, programs, equipment, materials and functions, all of this is achieved. However, it also all shared one critical factor that 2020 has disrupted, according to Frederick Fields LIttle Rock, that being the fact children actually attend class and physically interact with the learning process.\
In many aspects, Frederick Fields Little Rock notes the entire school paradigm that administrators have been trained to implement and maintain has been hinged on the physical presence of children and students on a daily basis. So, when 2020 arrived and the college concept of distance learning was suddenly forced down to the grade level, administrators have been dramatically challenged on multiple fronts. First, on just a practical level, administrations have had to find ways to provide the very technology everyone needs to do their work, communicate, learn and receive guidance with. And that included both students and teachers. Second, administrators were hard-pressed to find ways to retrain teachers and make them ready at hyper-speed to teach students at various grade levels via distance learning, not an easy feat in the best of times. Frederick Fields notes more than one administrator has repeatedly run into cultural and political resistance to the concept and approach. Third, somehow administrators are still expected in 2020 to meet all the criteria, expectations and ratings of regular, standardized school performance by which individuals schools are scored to determine everything from allocations to career paths of administrators themselves. While completely unrealistic under the conditions of the pandemic, according to Frederick Fields Little Rock, administrators have generally been expected by school boards to still achieve the impossible anyway.

In short, Frederick Fields Little Rock sees being an administrator in 2020 and going into the next year as absolutely a thankless job and sacrifice for many acknowledged by few. Almost all school administrators this year will achieve failing grades at best, Frederick Fields LIttle Rock estimates, and they are already being blamed for letting existing students fall behind in education. Yet at the same time, school budgets have been cut back due to government constraints, they have become both IT network managers and school managers under the same hat, and every behavior problem at home has been blamed on the lack of school to babysit kids whose parents disregard their role to teach and train as well. 

Frederick Fields Little Rock on The Future of the Schoo

Frederick Fields Little Rock on The Future of the Schoo
